Friday, July 31, 2009

Happiness is....

  • Being in a state of inner peace where I can just sit back and enjoy the small things in life and just have a smile on my face.
  • Getting so engrossed in a good book that I loose all sense of time.
  • Walking, listening to my favorite music.
  • Being in the moment.
  • Enjoying my Sunday bagel.
  • Getting a pedicure.
  • Enjoying a glass of wine with friends.
  • Having a conversation with someone about spirituality.
  • Taking a nice long shower after a long day.
  • Meditating

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Sometimes we are so preoccupied with the mundane tasks of life that we overlook the small miracles that happen every day. Instead of focusing on what we do not have, shift your outlook and appreciate the things that bring a smile, a sense of peace and gratitude. Life can be very hectic and frustrating, but take a moment and just appreciate that you are alive, breathing and experiencing life!!! I had a very awakening experience this past weekend, had gone to the cemetery to pay my respect to a family member that has recently passed. Walking past all the tombstones and looking at the names, dates of birth and date of death made me realize that all the struggles, the "drama", the conflicts and the good memories for that matter are temporary. You can not take it with you. Enjoy each moment and be grateful!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

...And so it is

Life is as complicated as we make it to be; usually stemming from wanting things to be different from what they are. True freedom comes from realizing that life is what it was intended to be. Go with the flow not against it, truly know this in your "gut" and be free of desires. Every challenge is an opportunity to evolve as a human being.
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