Thursday, September 3, 2009


There is no one more blind than the one who does not want to See.

There is no one more deaf than the one who does not want to Listen.

There is no one more lost than the one who does not want to live in Truth.

Blessed are those who want to See, Hear and Live in Truth.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I know Nothing

Just when I think that I have reached a certain level of consciousness and have everything figured out; the Holy Spirit guides me in such a way to show me that I am not quite there yet. It can be comical when I realized that what I thought I knew was not the Truth but an Illusion I created. God has a sense of humor and lovingly shows us our delusions. Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me find the truth. Let me live with Joy, Peace and Faith and the Truth will be eternal. Amen.
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